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Our global research and development (R&D) team is constantly innovating to solve some of the world’s biggest challenges. Together, our brands deliver safe, effective and compliant solutions – 
at scale and pace.

We’ve been increasing our investment in global R&D since 2019 – driving an increase in our 
production and resources.

Our strategy

Our R&D strategy focuses on three key areas.

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We deliver a balanced innovation pipeline, using disruptive innovation to differentiate our products and categories. We use our data and systems to make the right strategic decisions, and foster a culture where everyone is encouraged to innovate and share knowledge.

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Value through innovation. We’re constantly innovating to grow our brands and delight consumers by creating better, more sustainable products to make the world a cleaner, healthier world.

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Science and knowledge

Our focus on our consumers’ needs ensures that our innovations impact our global brand portfolio to unlock value for everyone.

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Partnering with Reckitt

We believe impactful innovation can come from anywhere. We’re working with internal and external partners to create new ideas and have a real impact in peoples’ lives.

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Join us

Explore a wide variety of scientific careers. From new graduates to senior management, and in specialisms ranging from safety and regulatory to entomology and formulation chemistry.

See our roles