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We exist to unleash the freedom to be your true sexual self

We create a world of sexual security by fighting against shame and stigma.

Durex® is the #1 top-selling condom brand globally. With over 90 years of experience, Durex is dedicated to unleashing the freedom to be one’s true sexual self. That is why Durex will never stop innovating with new products that enhance the sexual experience, improve intimate wellness and be an ally in creating a more inclusive, diverse world.

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What's happening at Durex

The AIDS fight is NOT over

We've joined forces with (RED)® and the Global Fund to fight AIDS in South Africa where it is estimated that around 7.2 million people are currently living with HIV or AIDS. Consumers around the world will be able to purchase a Durex RED condom, and funds raised from sales will go directly towards the ‘Keeping Girls in School’ programme. This programme aims to reduce new HIV infections and pregnancies among young women through encouraging girls to stay in education and improving access to sexual health and reproductive services.

Durex will make a minimum donation of $5m over three years to The Global Fund via the Durex RED partnership. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will match Durex’s $5m contribution taking the total to a minimum of $10 million.

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The AIDS fight is NOT over. Every 18 seconds, one person is infected with HIV globally.

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