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Answering the call for global actions at UNGA

Reckitt is leading and contributing to meaningful discussions and pledges that will help us to create a cleaner, healthier world.

21 Sept 20224 minute read

Answering the call for global actions at UNGA and putting and end to plastic pollution

As we continue to face a multitude of challenges across the globe, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) is a critical moment for us to come together and answer the call for global action. We’ve done just that, leading and contributing to meaningful discussions and pledges that will help us to create a cleaner, healthier world.

It’s time to ease the burden of water stress

When it comes to a lack of access to water, women pay the highest price. As women and girls across the world in 80% of water-deprived households continue to carry the burden of water collection, spending 200 hours a day worldwide on the task, we’re renewing our focus on addressing this issue. In our continued partnership with water.org, we’ll be focused on Women and Water, as part of our ambition of impacting 10 million people with better access to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) by 2030.

Our commitment to reducing the burden of water stress builds on the existing successes of our partnership with water.org. As water usage continues to grow at a faster rate than the population is increasing, our efforts and £4millon of funding have already helped 1.4 million people with better access to water, sanitation and hygiene and we have helped to make 2.7 billion litres of water accessible to those that need it most.

Transforming access to healthcare by backing female entrepreneurs

One in two people globally don’t have access to essential healthcare. As healthcare systems remain under pressure and worldwide climate and health issues, including our ageing population continue to surface, we see innovators and entrepreneurs stepping up to the plate.

These visionaries are solving long standing challenges in the health system, leveraging technology and ingenuity to deliver life-saving solutions. However, these entrepreneurs, especially women, are not receiving a fair share of investment – less than 2% of venture capital globally goes to female-led enterprises. We’re determined to change that.

In partnership with the Health Innovation Exchange (HIEx), we’re creating an ecosystem that supports health innovators to scale up so they can make a difference to more people. At UNGA, we’ve unveiled our newly created NFT collection, designed in collaboration with Rowandan artist, Christella Bijou. The NFT’s will raise investment, 100% of which will go directly to female-led enterprises, in support of the sustainable development goals including SDG3 on health. We also joined discussions on how new technologies and communities across the world can be harnessed to bring about real-world impact.

Climate and Health Coalition event – unlocking the role of the private sector to deliver co-benefits for climate and health

It’s time to re-ignite the ambitions on climate action. What better time to do this than during UNGA and Climate Week NYC 2022? As part of the Climate and Health Coalition, we’re joining forces with other organisations to help people and the planet.

The link between the planet’s health and human health can no longer be ignored

The impacts of climate change on health can be both critical and lasting. As we’ve seen across the globe, severe floods, heat stress or drought can have immediate and devastating impacts on health. Working as part of the Climate and Health Coalition, we’ll be sharing the latest guidance designed to enable private sector companies to design and deliver corporate strategies that deliver both climate, and health benefits. Helping more organisations join our fight for a cleaner, healthier world.

Putting an end to plastic pollution

Today we have endorsed the ambitious Global Plastics Treaty, convened by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and WWF. Working together with more than 80 organisations, we’re raising the ambition to create a circular economy for plastics, with products and materials being retained in the economy.

Our vision is for all plastic packaging to be 100% reusable, recyclable or compostable. By doing this, we address the root cause of plastic pollution and contribute to the global efforts to combat the escalating climate and biodiversity crisis. Read more here.