Practical guidance for companies in supply chains on how to implement effective grievance mechanisms
A grievance mechanism (GM) is a process that can be used by individuals, workers, communities and/or civil society organisations that are being negatively affected by certain business activities and operations.
It is a system for reporting concerns and complaints that negatively affect workers. It creates transparency and boosts morale for a more meaningful engagement with workers.
We worked in partnership with the Oxfam Business Advisory Service to develop a toolkit to support businesses in establishing their own GM process. The toolkit includes an overview of the key criteria for designing effective grievance mechanisms, examples of good practices and a step-by-step guide to plan and implement operational-level grievance mechanisms in the workplace.
The toolkit builds on existing work and practical experience accumulated by companies, trade unions and NGOs, and is informed by interviews with human rights practitioners and experts.
Highlights key steps that will be important building blocks to start developing a grievance mechanism, which can be progressed in the future.
Further develops recommendations on key areas to achieve a mature system for receiving and handling grievances.
Provides companies with additional steps to implement grievance mechanisms that are robust and deeply aligned with a strong human rights approach.
The toolkit does not suggest a one-size-fits-all formula but instead provides guidance that is flexible and adaptable for the local context.
Part 1.
Understanding grievance mechanisms
Provides a broad overview of grievance mechanisms including what they are and what benefits they bring to companies that use them.
Part 2.
Step-by-step toolkit
Contains step-by-step guidance on how to design and implement a grievance mechanism in the workplace.
Part 3.
Annex: Useful definitions
Includes practical tools and resources.