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Our packaging pros pick up the top prizes

We’re busy developing exciting new packaging innovations every day. And this packaging is now award-winning!

18 Nov 20213 minute read

Sustainable packaging is good for our customers, consumers and our planet.

It’s been a busy month for us at Reckitt, with COP26 and World Quality Day reminding us of our Sustainability Ambitions. And our ‘busy season’ isn’t over yet! Our packaging teams have been to Amsterdam and London to inspire - and be inspired - by the latest in packaging from the brightest minds in the world.

Our teams are now celebrating their achievements, after picking up two awards at some of the world’s biggest packaging shows.

Plastic Recyclers Show Europe (PRSE), Amsterdam

The two-day recycling show saw the newest developments and products (like recycled resins and re-processing machinery) exhibited. It brought together thousands of plastics recycling professionals for two days of networking, learning, sharing and doing business.

On the second day of PRSE, the industry celebrated seven standout individuals and companies’ developments in a competitive awards scheme. All entries went through a demanding screening process. Two of our products were shortlisted and the team were delighted to score the top prize in the product technology innovation category, taking home the trophy for our newly developed recyclable trigger!

UK Packaging Awards, London

Just one week later, the team attended a flagship event in the packaging industry: the UK Packaging Awards 2021. These awards aim to celebrate the best products and achievements within the industry.

This year, the team were thrilled to be awarded ‘Glass Packaging of the Year’ thanks to the newly developed Gaviscon bottle. The pink shrink sleeve on Gaviscon’s iconic bottle has now been removed and replaced with a spray coating, which has significantly improved its sustainability (through plastic saving) while maintaining brand equity and shelf navigation. As Gaviscon is a licensed Health product these changes came with a great deal of complexity – which was carefully negotiated by the safety, quality, regulatory, supply, procurement, project manager and R&D and regional packaging teams.

Our Packaging Sustainability Team were also ‘highly commended’ for the overall performance in the “Packaging Development Team of the Year” category. And the winner in this category was our customer: Tesco. Well done to the Tesco team!

Both events brought a meaningful recognition to our packaging teams. Showcasing our products on a global stage, confirms our commitment to:

Krzysztof Krajewski

Director Packaging Sustainability
  • ensure that 100% of packaging will be recyclable…
  • …including 25% recycled content…
  • …and reduce 50% of virgin plastic by 2030…

“…as part of our Sustainability Ambitions for our purpose-led brands.”

"We’re extremely proud of receiving these meaningful recognitions. The collaborative efforts by all involved, not just our packaging teams made this launch a true success. This is a true sign that we all live our purpose every day! We can, and should, remain optimistic for the future of our brands and the contribution they make to a cleaner, healthier world."

Jackie Charlesworth

Head of Packaging Development and Sustainability – Health

Keeping our consumers safe and developing sustainable packaging solutions is central to our Sustainability Ambitions. Together, we’re truly creating a cleaner, healthier world.