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Schiff partners with Vitamin Angels

Schiff supports Vitamin Angels in its mission to provide vital vitamins and minerals to at-risk pregnant women and children

18 Nov 20201 minute read

Schiff joins forces with Vitamin Angels to provide life-changing vitamins and minerals to over one million undernourished pregnant women and children

Malnutrition in pregnant women and children knows no boundaries, threatening the health, wellbeing, and future of millions of the most vulnerable in society.

Vitamin Angels is a global public health organisation that provides life-saving vitamins and minerals to millions of undernourished pregnant women and children around the world, in a bid to address malnutrition.

Vitamin Angels believes ‘in a world where every child from the day he or she is born has a chance for a healthy and productive life’. This vision resonates with RB’s fight – to make access to the highest quality hygiene, wellness and nourishment a right and not a privilege – and it’s this synergy that has inspired a new partnership between Vitamin Angels and Schiff.

Through this partnership:

  • RB will donate $250,000 from its Schiff product line to Vitamin Angels
  • Together, RB and Vitamin Angels will support one million malnourished women and children annually
  • And provide these women and children with life-changing vitamins and mineralsThis partnership has come at a critical time.
RB and Schiff Partner with Vitamins Angels