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RB rejoins Dow Jones Sustainability World Index

This exceptional result reflects the improvements we have been making across the business to run our business in a responsible way

16 Sep 20192 minute read

RB has re-joined the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) after two years. 

The DJSI covers a broad range of company practice from corporate governance to social metrics, in addition to the traditional sustainability agenda. It measures us against our peers from a spectrum of industries across a broad range of different measures and remains one of the leading external indices, viewed by investors, customers and other stakeholders as a strong, independent review of overall performance and practice. 

Highlights for RB include:

  • An increase in our overall score to 82 and maximum score of 100 in 5 out of 14 criteria
  • Significant improvement in our packaging, talent attraction & retention and product quality & recall management scores
  • Notable progress made across supply chain management, human rights and risk & crisis management

“The sustainability agenda is constantly evolving, and the Dow Jones Sustainability Index is an important barometer of responsible business for our investors and other stakeholders. We’re delighted to have re-joined the index this year. Our sustainable business practices sit right at the heart of our purpose-led mission at RB and this is a great reflection of the work we have been doing across the business,” said Miguel Veiga-Pestana, SVP Corporate Affairs & Sustainability.