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RB confirmed as an industry leader for sustainability

RB has been commended as one of the top-scoring companies in its industry for its corporate sustainability achievements.

15 Feb 20192 minute read

RB received the Silver Class distinction in the 2019 edition of RobecoSAM’s Sustainability Yearbook (“The Yearbook”) for its sustainability performance during 2018.

The Yearbook is the world’s most comprehensive publication on corporate sustainability and, since 2004, has showcased the sustainability performance of the world’s largest companies in each industry. The Yearbook is based on results from the Corporate Sustainability Assessment (“CSA”). With over 2.4 million data points on the most financially material ESG criteria in each industry, the Yearbook continues to be a comprehensive guide to the strongest performing, largest companies in the world.

The Silver Class award is an excellent indicator of the progress we are making on our sustainability journey, However, we know there’s more to do to further reduce our environmental footprint, reduce our energy consumption, carbon emissions and waste production and achieve the targets we have set for 2020.

Miguel Veiga-Pestana

RB’s SVP Global Corporate Affairs & Sustainability

Daniel Wild, PhD, Co-CEO RobecoSAM: “We congratulate RB on its Silver Award in The Sustainability Yearbook 2019, which showcases the best performing companies among industry peers and in terms of financially material ESG metrics. As the Corporate Sustainability Assessment constantly raises the bar, so the Yearbook remains a highly credible source of corporate sustainability insights. This year it is launched under the SAM brand, and with increased public access to the percentile rankings of all companies.”

Further information on RB’s commitment to sustainability can be found at www.rb.com/responsibility

Further information on The Sustainability Yearbook 2019 can be found at https://yearbook.robecosam.com/

About RobecoSAM

Founded in 1995, RobecoSAM is an investment specialist focused exclusively on Sustainability Investing. It offers asset management, indices, impact analysis and investing, sustainability assessments, and benchmarking services. The company’s asset management capabilities cater to institutional asset owners and financial intermediaries and cover a range of ESG-integrated investments, featuring a strong track record in resource efficiency-themed strategies. Together with S&P Dow Jones Indices, RobecoSAM publishes the globally recognized Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) as well as the S&P ESG Factor Weighted Index series, the first index family to treat ESG as a standalone performance factor using the RobecoSAM Smart ESG methodology. Based on its Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA), an annual ESG analysis of approximately 4,500 listed companies, RobecoSAM has compiled one of the world’s most comprehensive databases of financially material sustainability information. The CSA data is also included in USD 119 billion of assets under management at Robeco.