pink_ambitiousCreated with Sketch. dark_arrow_big_leftCreated with Sketch. Group 4Created with Sketch. dark_arrow_big_right-bottomCreated with Sketch. dark_arrow_big_right-topCreated with Sketch. dark_arrow_big_rightCreated with Sketch. dark_askCreated with Sketch. calendardark_chevron_small_downCreated with Sketch. dark_chevron_small_leftCreated with Sketch. Path 2Created with Sketch. dark_chevron_small_rightCreated with Sketch. dark_chevron_small_upCreated with Sketch. dark_clockCreated with Sketch. pink_composedCreated with Sketch. dark_footer_contactCreated with Sketch. dark_close_cornerCreated with Sketch. dark_corner_shareCreated with Sketch. dark_cross_smallCreated with Sketch korsan. cta-arrowpink_directCreated with Sketch. emaildark_social_big_facebookCreated with Sketch. pink_fearlessCreated with Sketch. dark_downloadCreated with Sketch. dark_footer_followrbCreated with Sketch. Icon / GlobeCreated with Sketch. globe-newglobe Page 1Created with Sketch. RB_healt_defailtCreated with Sketch. RB_home_defailtCreated with Sketch. RB_hygiene_defailtCreated with Sketch. Group 2Created with Sketch. instagram Arrow / LeftCreated with Sketch. linkedin dark_locationCreated with Sketch. media dark_menu-burgerCreated with Sketch. dark_minusCreated with Sketch. phonepin-active pin-story pin dark_plusCreated with Sketch. quote-mark-new Created with Sketch. dark_refreshCreated with Sketch. Icon / SearchCreated with Sketch. search-newsearch-new1 search dark_footer_share Created with Sketch. dark_triangle_small_downCreated with Sketch. dark_triangle_small_upCreated with Sketch. dark_social_big_twitterCreated with Sketch. dark_video_pauseCreated with Sketch. dark_video_playCreated with Sketch. web-newdark_social_big_webCreated with Sketch. weblink Fill 1Created with Sketch. youtube dark_social_big_youtubeCreated with Sketch.
설거지 부담을 덜어드립니다.

말끔히 세척하고 물 낭비를 줄입니다.

전 세계적으로 수십억 리터의 소중한 식수가 애벌 설거지하는데 낭비됩니다. 세계 최대 식기세척기 전용 세제 브랜드인 피니시는 호주에서 물 낭비를 줄이기 위한 #FinishWaterWaste 라는 미션을 수행하고 있습니다. 피니시를 사용하면 애벌 설거지를 할 필요없이 매번 새것처럼 뽀득뽀득 깨끗하게 식기를 세척하여, 한 번 사용할 때마다 수십 리터의 물을 절약할 수 있습니다. 이 작은 변화가 모여 큰 차이를 만듭니다.

50년이 넘는 역사

1953년에 첫 개발

세계 선도

자동 식기 세척기 전용 세제 선두주자

No. 1

세계 판매 1위 식기세척기 전용 세제

*닐슨IQ 판매데이터 기준 (2022년 1월~2022년 12월, Automatic Dishwashing category, 전 세계 38개국 대상)


70개국 이상에서 판매